16 July 2011

‘Gossip Girl’ Exclusive!!!

Does Prince Charming ever take off that darned tuxedo???
Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Well, Upper East Siders, I met the Prince of Monaco the other day!! Or anyway, the fellow who plays him on Gossip Girl. Stopping by a location shoot for the popular TV series, I met sensitive Dan Humphrey, too!! So now I can give my readers this EXCLUSIVE SCOOP:

Penn Badgley (who plays Dan) is very polite, and it’s clear he was brought up properly. Hugo Becker (who plays Prince Louis) is French in real life and very friendly, to the point that he didn’t make fun of my accent.

What dark secrets do Penn’s flawless manners conceal???

While you are speaking with these men, you keep thinking that you own socks older than they are, and you suspect that you won’t run into anybody else quite this good-looking for another day or two, at least. In the back of your mind, you are half-hoping to discover a flaw of any kind — but there’s nothing wrong with either of these guys.


(I know this hardly constitutes gossip, but I only met the guys for a second, and I couldn’t tell what was happening in their scene — no plot spoilers here. But how often do I get to run boldface items on this blog? Or use multiple punctuation marks???)

Torchwood: I don’t know these people.
Because production has wrapped, I can’t visit the set.
And because it’s on a pay channel, I haven’t seen the show yet.

Like my visit to the set of TV’s Heroes, my visit to the set of Gossip Girl was largely wasted on me. I’m actually somewhat conversant in Gossip Girl lore, but now that my goddaughter is in college, I’m sadly behind the times: I didn’t even know the Prince of Monaco was a character on the show, yet here we were in front of the Consulate, and poor Hugo Becker was wearing a tuxedo in the midday July swelter.

Still, this is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the cultural achievements of some of my friends who are not opera singers. After all, they’re boldface-worthy, too! So while Sara Nemeth Goodman continues to work on Gossip Girl, her ex, Nate Goodman, shot the new Torchwood: Miracle Day, which just began its run on the Starz channel. Meanwhile, Michael Karnow’s new series, Alphas, has had its premiere on the Syfy channel.

Maybe Michael will invite me to visit this set!
(Hint hint)

I watched the Alphas pilot, starring the ever-wonderful David Strathairn, whom I’ve never met, just saying. The show promises to be great fun. So stay tuned!


From the Alphas pilot: Strathairn, Azita Ghanizada (Rachel),
Ryan Cartwright (Gary, standing)

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