05 September 2011

Susan Graham Day in Midland, TX

Toronto will see Susan’s Iphigénie in Robert Carsen’s production,
which I saw her perform in San Francisco a few years ago.

Today, Midland, Texas, will celebrate the mezzo-soprano Susan Graham, who did much of her growing up there. This isn’t the first “Susan Graham Day” in Midland, and it’s gratifying to see the city’s pride in her achievements — which have taken her around the world, many times over. On Monday, in fact, she’ll be in Toronto, preparing to sing Gluck’s Iphigénie en Tauride, in her debut with the Canadian Opera Company. She’ll be virtually present in Texas, however, joining her friends in Midland via some technological wizardry or other.

The whole business makes me think there’s a strong argument in favor of making Midland’s holiday a frequent, perhaps annual event. In fact, I can personally provide several of the arguments. Smitten as I am, I celebrate Susan Graham Day every day.

1. She’s pretty.
2. She smells really good.
3. She has a great sense of humor. (Or anyway, she did until I started writing this.)
4. She is an excellent judge of quality margaritas.
5. She knows how to work a boa.
6. She knows Hector Berlioz personally.
7. She has reached the highest levels of international opera stardom, as well as the highest levels of Angry Birds.
8. Her mother is very cool.
9. She divines, then expresses in song my innermost feelings — in French.
10. Despite the fact that she’s taller, she has never once availed herself of the opportunity to beat me up.


  1. Every day should be a Susan Graham Day? I'm in! I know I can hardly go a day without listening to her joyous voice. Her French recordings make me so happy!

  2. I too listen to something by Susan Graham pretty much every day!

  3. Remarkable. If I were 6-ish feet tall (as I have always longed to be) I would be using my brute force at every opportunity. Props to you, Susan Graham, for setting yet another bar impossibly high. May we all be able to congregate in Midland and sing your praises on some September 5th in the near future!

    On a different note, I now find myself wondering what brand of shampoo she uses...
