HOLLYWOOD -- The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has refused to permit an appearance at tonight’s Oscar ceremony by actor James Franco, in character as his “Host” persona.
The last time Franco made such an appearance, many were baffled, unsure whether he meant to be funny or offensive. “I just didn’t know whether to take him seriously,” complained one person who attended the 2011 ceremony, actress Anne Hathaway. “He kept waving his butt at me.”
Franco’s managers had requested permission to make the appearance in character as part of a promotion for his upcoming film, Hey, I Wrote, Directed, and Starred in This Movie in 15 Minutes … While Cleaning My Oven!
“While we wish Mr. Franco all the best, we must remind him that the Oscars™ are not about shameless self-promotion, much less bizarre stage acts that make the audience wish we’d hurry up and hand out another technical award,” said an Academy spokesperson. “If and when Mr. Franco is prepared to take this sacred ritual seriously, we will be happy to welcome him back.”
Through his own spokesperson, Franco released a brief statement: “Ranunculus.” Seasoned Franco analysts were at a loss to explain.
The last time Franco made such an appearance, many were baffled, unsure whether he meant to be funny or offensive. “I just didn’t know whether to take him seriously,” complained one person who attended the 2011 ceremony, actress Anne Hathaway. “He kept waving his butt at me.”
Franco’s managers had requested permission to make the appearance in character as part of a promotion for his upcoming film, Hey, I Wrote, Directed, and Starred in This Movie in 15 Minutes … While Cleaning My Oven!

Through his own spokesperson, Franco released a brief statement: “Ranunculus.” Seasoned Franco analysts were at a loss to explain.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I see you offer priceless info. Will definitely come back for more of this.
Thank you! I'll do my best to be worthy of your interest!
I enjoy reading your blog too, but some posts are more substantive than others.
-- Rick
Ha! Thanks for noticing, Rick!
Hello / Bonjour
This picture above is not James Franco in uniform, but Sacha Baron Cohen.
Bruno / Paris
C'est exact, Bruno! In Paris you may have missed the many, many news reports that we Americans endured, regarding the Academy's fraught decision whether to allow Sacha Baron Cohen to appear in character as the Dictator at this year's ceremony. The consensus was that Cohen pushed things too far when he appeared as the gay character Brüno a while back.
Ultimately, Cohen was allowed to appear, or perform, or whatever one calls it — but I didn't see that part of the show.
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